Survival and population size estimates of the red wolf Check this out Read More Population and Survival, MortalityWildSidesDecember 18, 2016Red Wolves, Wildlife, Red wolf population sizeComment
Diets of sympatric red wolves and coyotes in northeastern North Carolina Diet, Population and SurvivalWildSidesOctober 15, 2013Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, WildlifeComment
Food Habits of Red Wolves during Pup-Rearing Season Diet, Population and SurvivalWildSidesAugust 16, 2013Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population sizeComment
Direct estimation of early survival and movements in eastern wolf pups Population and SurvivalWildSidesMay 7, 2011Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment
Helper effects on pup lifetime fitness in the cooperatively breeding red wolf (Canis rufus) Population and SurvivalWildSidesMay 7, 2011Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment
Protection from harvesting restores the natural social structure of eastern wolf packs Population and SurvivalWildSidesNovember 25, 2009Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment
Restoration of the Red Wolf Population and SurvivalWildSidesJanuary 1, 2003Red Wolves, Wildlife, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment
Predicting Red Wolf Release Success in the Southeastern United States Population and SurvivalWildSidesOctober 1, 2000Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment
Survey of necropsy results in captive red wolves (Canis rufus), 1992-1996. Population and SurvivalWildSidesMarch 31, 2000Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, population and survivalComment