35 or fewer red wolves left in the wild!
What's going on in "Red Wolf Country"? Get ready for a new and unique multimedia exploration into this American human/wildlife conflict.
Are you ready to explore the endangered red wolf & the fight surrounding it?
We'll meet people on all sides of this conflict because our non-profit, WildSides, is not taking a side. Our job is to share their stories, their perspectives. Then, together, we will learn about ALL the issues with greater depth than any educational or journalistic media has ever done before.
Help us provide more context!
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service re-opens public comment period Aug. 13 - Aug. 28.
We want to create a couple new videos to provide more depth about two main issues in the conflict over the red wolf:
- Hunting - How do red wolves interact with hunting activities in the red wolf recovery area? What are the perceptions and realities?
- Coyotes - We will provide even more depth into the coyote issue and how that contributes to the conflict over red wolf recovery.
We have less than two weeks! Please consider a tax-deductible donation to allow us to create and produce these videos by clicking the Donate & Learn button. Many thanks to all those who have already contributed!
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a new proposed rule for the endangered red wolf. Among other things, it would reduce the red wolf recovery area for the only wild population of red wolves in the world from 1.7 million acres to 208,000 acres. You can find more details in their press release here.
With this action and 30 days for public comment, WildSides wants everyone to be aware of the issues, the perspectives, the facts and the stories surrounding the red wolf issue. We believe that the more informed everyone is on all sides of the issue, the better the comments will be regardless of your side in the conflict.

Why WildSides
We are proud to be the only media project that has fully explored different sides of the issue. Since 2011, we have filmed with people on the ground where the only wild population of red wolves roam: northeastern North Carolina. WildSides is proud to present what will be the most extensive media project about the red wolf ever made, providing more depth into different perspectives than ever before. In 2012, we published 50+ minutes of short films delving into many stakeholders' perspectives and stories. We were lucky that all the players continue to invite us back. And, with your help, we will create new short films, discuss opinions through podcasts and explore the facts of the related issues.
"Beyond 24"
WildSides will add depth to the 24-hour news cycle and go beyond films that only skim the surface. Together we'll explore the issues, discuss the data, understand people on all sides of the issue, celebrate our differences and highlight our similarities.
Want to support this project?
Meet the Players
You will get to meet people from all sides of the issue. Get to know them as humans rather than statistics or social media posts.
What we'll learn:
- Not who is right and who is wrong, but what people believe and why they have their perceptions.
- Human and red wolf stories to help inform our conversations.
- Our differences can be celebrated and openness will help us learn.
- Despite differences, and regardless of what side any of us are on, people have similarities across the board and across the conflict.
- We have fundamental issues and differences of opinion but, once we learn about each other, hopefully we can have more fruitful discussions.
- How our paths cross despite geographic, political, socioeconomic, professional and personal differences.

!["As far as the wolves themselves, we have not seen anything but a benefit on [one] property"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5637c0dce4b0bfe52ae45fa7/1448426161667-FFPQPC7C31PXBMYJZZFQ/Jamin.jpg)

Explore the Issues
Wildlife and the Endangered Species Act
Private property
Policy, Politics and law
Socioeconomic, business and financial aspects related to the red wolf issue
Hunting, Trapping, Wildlife refuges and Agriculture
Environmental and Ecological issues
and much more