Evidence for a genetic basis for delayed dispersal in a cooperatively breeding canid Population DispersalWildSidesApril 16, 2012Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, WildlifeComment
Red wolf natal dispersal characteristics: comparing periods of population increase and stability Population DispersalWildSidesOctober 18, 2011Red Wolves, Wildlife, Red wolf population sizeComment
Survival of Colonizing Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the United States, 1982–2004 Reproduction, Population DispersalWildSidesDecember 13, 2010Red Wolves, Wildlife, Red wolf population sizeComment
Direct fitness benefits of delayed dispersal in the cooperatively breeding red wolf (Canis rufus) Population DispersalWildSidesDecember 8, 2010Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, WildlifeComment
Genetic and morphometric analysis of sixteenth century Canis skull fragments: implications for historic eastern and gray wolf distribution in North America Population DispersalWildSidesJuly 12, 2009Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, Population DispersalComment
The Original Status of Wolves in Eastern North America Population DispersalWildSidesOctober 18, 2002Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, Population DispersalComment