Habitat selection of a large carnivore, the red wolf, in a human-altered landscape HabitatWildSidesJanuary 17, 2013Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population sizeComment
Measures of Space use and Association of Two Unrelated Male Red Wolves in a Shared Area HabitatWildSidesDecember 13, 2010Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, HabitatComment
Habitat Selection by Recolonizing Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the United States HabitatWildSidesDecember 13, 2010Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, HabitatComment
Effectiveness of GPS-based Telemetry to Determine Temporal Changes in Habitat Use and Home-range Sizes of Red Wolves HabitatWildSidesJune 18, 2010Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, Habitat, GPSComment
Analyzing a Prospective Red Wolf (Canis rufus) Reintroduction Site for Suitable Habitat HabitatWildSidesApril 17, 2007Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population sizeComment
Home range, habitat use and pup attendance of red wolves (Canis rufus) during the pup rearing season HabitatWildSidesSeptember 18, 2006Wildlife, Red Wolves, Red wolf population size, Habitat, PupsComment