We will list you as such in the beginning and end of the film, on the website, and in our Internet Movie Database (IMDB) listing. More importantly, if we can raise enough funds spearheaded by your donation as either an Associate or Executive Producer we can afford help from a larger studio with audio finishing for the final version of Staring Down Fate for streaming online. The costs above are based on what we can do in-house. We were given a quote for sound finishing by a successful studio for $15,000.
Read more about the Associate and Executive Producer levels below and fill out the form on this page with your interest.
We will contact you shortly after you submit. Thank you for your interest in joining our team!
Associate Producer: $5,000
An amazing opportunity to become one of the few film producers for this inspiring story. You will be identified in the film & on the website as an Associate Producer for Staring Down Fate. We will invite you as a VIP guest to attend a geographic premiere or another screening of the film. You will also get a digital copy of the film, the movie poster signed by the Director of the film and the $550 licensing of the film for one viewing (see above). Finally, you will also get the Red Wolf Artwork Giclee Print as described in the $750 package above. Travel, lodging and food for attending any screening is not covered by this package.
Executive Producer: $10,000 USD
An opportunity like no other. You will be identified in the film & on the website as an Executive Producer for this inspirational story. We will invite you as a VIP guest to attend any or all of our geographic premieres or other screenings of the film. You will have a dedicated email address to reach our team and be included in WildSides’ Advisory Board. You will also get a digital copy of the film, the movie poster signed by the Director of the film and the $550 licensing of the film for one viewing (see above). Finally, you will also get the Red Wolf Artwork Giclee Print as described in the $750 package above, the Tour in Red Wolf Country as described in the $1,150 package above. Travel, lodging and food for the tour and attending any screening is not covered by this package.